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Early Lives Equal Start (ELES) Project

The Early Lives Equal Start (ELES) Project is a community-based project in east Oxford which seeks to address the inequalities faced by women and birthing people from black and minoritised ethnic backgrounds. The project helps women and birthing people access essential support services offered by the NHS, other statutory services, and voluntary/community-based organisations.

The ATTUNE Project

ATTUNE explores how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) impact the mental health of 10-24 year olds across the UK. Using innovative arts-based methods and youth collaboration, we're uncovering fresh insights to improve mental health outcomes and care access for young people affected by ACEs.

ORIGIN Project

The ORIGIN (Optimising cultural expeRIences for mental health in underrepresented younG people onlINe) project is a groundbreaking £2.61 million research initiative funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). It aims to improve the mental health of diverse young people aged 16-24 through co-designing an online arts and culture intervention.

Faith-Based Community Research Project

Faith-Based Community Research is an NIHR initiative that explores the intersection of faith-based communities and academic research in health and social care.