About the Centre for Research Equity
The University of Oxford’s Centre for Research Equity (CfRE) mission is to advance the understanding of and improve inclusive research practice and community engagement in health and care research.
Our story
Established in 2023, the CfRE at Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Primary Care and Health Sciences (NDPCHS) emerged from the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. The PRINCIPLE and PANORAMIC trials, which sought treatments for COVID-19 for those at highest risk of severe illness, demonstrated the power of community engagement and equitable practices in clinical research.
These trials showcased unprecedented collaboration between research groups, pharmacy teams, universities, regulators, faith-based organisations, healthcare professionals, and the wider community. Inspired by this remarkable co-operation, the CfRE was born with a mission to build on that learning and champion equitable inclusion of diverse communities in health and care research.
Founded and currently led by Prof. Mahendra Patel, the CfRE is a dynamic and innovative Centre. It responds to the needs and interests of its growing and diverse community groups, membership, and projects, co-creating solutions for inclusive research practices and improved health and care outcomes for all.
Any questions? Reach us at cfre@phc.ox.ac.uk
Why it matters:
Historically, health and care research has often overlooked minority groups, perpetuating inequalities in healthcare outcomes. The lack of diverse voices in research can significantly hinder the ability to understand the health and care needs within the communities we serve and how to address them effectively.
This lack of diversity in clinical trials and medical research has far-reaching consequences:
- Limited generalisability: When clinical trials don't include diverse patient populations, treatments may be less effective or have unexpected side effects in underrepresented groups.
- Persistent health disparities: Underrepresentation in research contributes to ongoing health inequities, as treatments may not be optimised for all populations.
- Erosion of trust: Historical exclusion has led to a lack of trust in medical research among minority communities, making future recruitment and community engagement more challenging.
- Missed opportunities: Diverse participation is crucial for developing effective therapies and ensuring that all populations can benefit from medical advancements.
- Biased guidelines: When clinical evidence is based on homogeneous populations, resulting medical knowledge and practices may be less applicable to diverse patient groups.
Our work at CfRE aims to address these critical issues by ensuring that research truly reflects and benefits our diverse society. By championing inclusive research practices, we hope to improve the fairness, effectiveness, and trustworthiness of the healthcare system, ultimately leading to more equitable health outcomes for all.
Partnership and support of the CfRE
The Centre for Research Equity (CfRE) works closely with the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration Oxford and Thames Valley (ARC OxTV) making the best use of shared, and community groups to help address critical health and care disparities.
Our approach
Our approach is multi-faceted and grounded in collaboration. We:
- Establish genuine partnerships with communities and organisations to enhance the relevance and impact of health and care research in the UK.
- Work with researchers, health and care institutions, and patient groups to identify the root causes of health disparities and propose innovative methods and research designs to address these issues.
- Support researchers with skills and knowledge necessary to conduct research that promotes health equity.
- Conduct and compile evidence on the benefits of community-based recruitment and trial design. We demonstrate how engaging with communities directly can lead to more effective and relevant research outcomes.
Get involved
We invite researchers, institutions, and community members to join us in our mission. Your involvement can help drive meaningful change in the research community.
Access resources
Our library of resources includes reports, toolkits, and best practice guides.
Partner with us on research projects to address health and care equity disparities
Become a member
Engage with the latest developments in research equity and contribute to our mission.
Share your ideas and resources with us by emailing CfRE@phc.ox.ac.uk